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Tiny Tech Review

Three cheap upgrades I used to enhance THE PS4 gaming experience

1) Expanding the Amount of Storage

Ever since the PS4 was released, it is possible to 'share' games with one trustful friend and play the games at the same time. Of course - back then you could share your Playstation Network Content with up to five of your friends but the so called "sharing" is still very valuable, if you are not a person who likes to sell used games. Not having a physical Blueray Disc has another big drawback though. Storage. My PS4 has an internal storage of 500GB. The graphic of the games increases - but so does the amount of storage needed to install the game. Long story short, after around 10 installed games one has to throw out old games to install new ones. Not being a fan of that, I found an easy solution. Why not - somehow - make use of those old SATA discs I had laying around in my old computers. After a quick research I found out there are in fact USB 3.0 to SATA adaptors at a pretty good price. I didn't hesitate long and ordered one from Amazon. However, after having installed the SATA disc into the adaptor, I had to find out that the games start to freeze. I noticed, that my controller was not reacting as it should when connected via a USB cable so I realised, that the adaptor cuts off the other USB Port. I then ordered the Inateck USB 3.0 to SATA Adaptor with an additional power supply and - here we go. Everything works fine.

2) Expanding the Amount of USB Ports

However, having solved the first problem I faced the next one. As my Sony Headset relies on using a USB Port to submit and receive the signals, I do not have any USB Ports left as the other one is now permanently connected to the previously mentioned adaptor. After all my controllers ran out of battery - I faced the next problem. No where to recharge my controller.  That's why I used the relatively cheap USB Hub I had, just to find out, that I can not really use USB Hub. The initial USB Port does not supply enough energy to get all devices running smoothly. To solve this, I recommend a USB Hub with an additional power supply. However, I found a work-around to get atleast two of the ports running. For that, you first have to connect your two USB cables to the HUB and then connect the HUB to the initial PS4 USB. 

3) Expanding the Range of your Controller when Recharging

Now, having solved the above problems we still solve the problem of only having a short cable being delivered with the PS4 controller. You can buy cheap but still very good mini USB cables at Amazon. I recommend 3 meter long cables. Two years ago, I bought three 3 meter long cables made by CSL for about 12€. The closest item I could find to that where multipacks with different sizes, which could also be interesting, or the cable displayed below. For me it was important to have a durable cable, for example threaded with nylon, for extra stability especially for when you get so mad that you start throwing your controller through the room.


Thanks for reading! You can find all mentioned items below as Amazon Affiliate links. By buying any of these items after clicking the link you support my website :)  

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